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> Hobby reception DX FM and TV
сообщение 25.6.2008, 22:57
Сообщение #1

Moderator sectia Terestrial Ro

Группа: Продвинутые пользователи
Сообщений: 1338
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sunt un mare admirator al acestor receptii ! Vreau sa ma ajutati si pe mine prin postarea de semnale ce se receptionaea sporadic , sa va ajut sa aprem si noi romanii si voi moldovenii la listele oficiale @skywaves si fm altervista cu tarile noastre .
va trebuie urmatoarele pentru cei ce fac receptie :
radio cu rds , o antena daca se poate externa sau pe balcon , televizor ce raspunde bine la selector in canalele E2- E4 , R1 - R4 , multumesc

Posted after 1 hour 59 minutes 40 seconds:

Ciao a tutti,
ora и sparita l'Ucraina e arriva bene la Moldavia, per esempio su 67.58
Antena C,Straseni (Strasheny) (ST)

Sporadicul din aceasta noapte !!!

this mesaje receive at 22:43 ..
in romania the frist opening sporadic in this night start at 22:32 with a unid france signal in 87.8mhz ! :clap:


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сообщение 15.1.2010, 13:43
Сообщение #231

Местный активист

Группа: Главные администраторы
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Цитата(zvartoshu @ 13.1.2010, 11:49) *
un link ceva catre zona unde se posteaza?

http://forums.frocus.net/index.php?showtop...ost&p=54378 - receptia din Odesa, incepind cu 3 oct 2009 (mesaje in l.rusa).
http://forums.frocus.net/index.php?showtop...ost&p=54165 - receptia din toata regiunea.
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сообщение 16.1.2010, 14:18
Сообщение #232

Moderator sectia Terestrial Ro

Группа: Продвинутые пользователи
Сообщений: 1338
Регистрация: 25.6.2008
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http://www.trilulilu.ro/dxfmromania/950a22d28453b8 meteoscatter nr1

http://www.trilulilu.ro/dxfmromania/8b1445d595f0ce meteoscatter nr2

http://www.trilulilu.ro/dxfmromania/49902fc2d205f4 meteoscatter nr3

antena orizontala 3 elemente :
unghiul de sporadic : 16°
radio : 0.68µV modified acr3250

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сообщение 18.1.2010, 5:02
Сообщение #233

Moderator sectia Terestrial Ro

Группа: Продвинутые пользователи
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euro propagation :

16 January 10

Meteor Scatter:
03:25 87.70 E251 _RAC???? Barcelona/Torre de Collserola E

08:36 87.50 E0E1 HO?????? Poligono Urtinsa, Alcorcon E

17:09 87.50 E0E1 Poligono Urtinsa, Alcorcon E

23:53 87.50 E0E1 Poligono Urtinsa, Alcorcon E

73's de William Kitching.
Located in Telford, Shropshire. U.K. (IO82SQ).
52° North, 2° West.

Antiference 5 Element Horizontal/Vertical
Sony ST-SB920 tuners, DOS Software: RDSS v4.0

Spain :
Ya se ha puesto en marcha otra de las concesiones en Albacete, en este caso el 92.4 de La Roda:

RADIO AZUL, emitiendo en esta frecuencia con el PS: "R._AZUL_ LA_RODA_ 92.4_FM_". Reemite la señal de su homóloga en Las Pedroñeras. En la capital su cobertura es bastante irregular.

Por lo tanto tenemos que en Albacete han iniciado su emisión:

87.7: Europa FM
88.1: Onda Cero
90.2: Punto Radio
92.4: Radio Azul
95.0: Radio Surco
97.4: COPE Albacete


Germany :
Weitere Empfänge:
88,3 SWR1 BW, Raichberg/Alb (444 Km).
88,6 radio TOP 40, Erfurt-Hochheim (250 Watt, 132km)
91.3 Radio Leipzig, Leipzig-Holzhausen (4 KW, 146km)
97.6 Radio Sachsen, Leipzig-Holzhausen (4 KW 146 Km)
97.8 MDR Info, Erfurt-Hochheim (500 Watt, 132km)
99.7 Landeswelle Thüringen, Erfurt/Haarberg (500 Watt, 135km)
99.8 Energy Sachsen, Leipzig-Holzhausen (4 KW, 146 Km)
Die Programme vom MDR, DLF und PSR mit 100 KW aus Leipzig-Wiederau kommen übrigens eh immer.
100,6 Antenne Bayern, Dillberg (25 KW, 315km)
101,9 Antenne Bayern vom Heidelstein/Rhön (194 Km) konnte sich mal wieder gegen FFN Barsinghausen behaupten.
Alle 0=2/0=3

Roamnia :

Dx din perioada de acalmie de 12:47 ore :

88.7 - simnicul de sus rractual : 15:22
89.8 - show radio istambul camlica buiuk tepesi :05:07
90.0 - viva - istambul camlica buiuk tepesci :05:02
90.6 - radio zu topolog :16:21
93.0 - trinitas harghita :17:47
93.1 - tgrt - istambul a camlica kulesh :05:01 / 05:06 / 05:34
93.3 - karadenizin sesi radio (K) istanbul buiuk tepesi : 05:05
95.1 - ozgur radio - sitambul buiuk tepesi camlica : 05:35
95.1 - era 2 thasos :18:38
101.4 - horizont - montana peak petrohan : 14:27
102.5 - bourgas horizont edelweis : 15:21
104.3 - dorbich - horizont : 15:08
105.5 - info pro simnicu de sus : 15:27 / 16:01
105.6 - semenic - radio resita : 14:34
105.6 - magic fm - buzau : 14:12
106.4 - rractual vacareni : 14:23

radio blaupunkt acr3250 modified with 2dB noise band without antena .
antena external : 94Mhz dipole open in oblic polarization .
coaxial : 50 ohm .
coorinates from dx : 44°11'46.74"N , 26°12'1.16"E , 44°11'49.18"N , 26°11'46.18" , 44°11'0.02"N , 26°12'11.26"E

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сообщение 18.1.2010, 5:55
Сообщение #234

Moderator sectia Terestrial Ro

Группа: Продвинутые пользователи
Сообщений: 1338
Регистрация: 25.6.2008
Пользователь №: 5704
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Dx cu pc in zona pavaranilor

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAOyY__ygSI semnale dx slabe la test

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDRcoA-3WMA razgrad , ruse , giurgiu

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hR_BWk6uk3k din nou teste pe distanta .. propagare in acalmie

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmrYoWvOE1E scattere fortate de strat D fix in ora 5 cand se produc cele cu egiptul

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eq0pqY8TY38 propagare spre vest de romania

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9S3drcmCH4 continuarea propagari pe diferite zone

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gm7qutFmBtU propagarea in acctiune si isntabiilitati in strat D si chiar pe normal

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FGjfin6U7s propagare in acctiune , aveti si deschiderea tunelata a burgasuluyi la semnal bun ..

Dx in mers :

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMXd0gPNo9s rra simnicu de sus langa R1 ( fosta bucatarie si dormitoarele santierului) de pe arges

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YN1gjbErtJY infor pro pe zona A0 , zona ( ecluzei port) care nu sa mai realizat pe arges

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IoSOPOImvfI rra simnicu de sus pe A0 ..

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5q00ZRGRjo pro fm campus langa pavarani si langa R6 neajlov

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dyf_UXtJ0kM radio K langa R5 , falatosca si imaginea in distanta a spalatorului actualmente existent R4

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycuLuYT7kzg horizont silstra langa A0 in timpul problemelor student fm

LOW quqlty sound DX ( no pc bakup power)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCwzzVRkLIU 2X trinitas live

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19qfaQAdhzM era 2 thasos first reflexion medium after 11 hours

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1siN5Nm0Hg era 2

END acalmy .. acalmia la sfarsit :
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6P8eks0xyNc era 2 thasos la nivel foarte mare . ( 12:57:48 .. durata acalmiei )

poze ( pctures)
R5 zone

R5 zone



A0 - R3 - R4

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сообщение 19.1.2010, 15:58
Сообщение #235

Moderator sectia Terestrial Ro

Группа: Продвинутые пользователи
Сообщений: 1338
Регистрация: 25.6.2008
Пользователь №: 5704
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This is a big anouncement !
Other dx-ers have possibility to fake audio or video signals .
Dependencies are from a big praise .
Audio faked is simply to detect . 1 Have low noise or big noise from low dx . Signal sporadic is very heavy to create in domestic transmitters or receivers .
Other faked sporadic signals add 1 station and not mixing with other station . Ok other receptions faked is known to other dx-ers !!! Signals sporadic real not have noise in otter years and signals sporadic add multi station , mixing stations and effect multi reflexions with specific sound . In other capture appear 1 signal from faked video ! never appear multi freq in faked video !

TV DX faked , in Vhf1 band other dx-ers known panasaonic modulator in E2 / E / E4 cahnnel . Or videos WHS Pansaonic / Philisp , with 2 channel E2 or E3 to send rf to tv . Faked video image .
Other sporadic faked tv dx not have possibility to play a image with reflexions , appear a fixed image , image with luminance bad or sharpness high . Sporadic tv Dx is vrong to faked . The best old Rami from Ukraine speech about faked AUSTRALIAN channel via F2 in Hungary or Belarus . Other signals is received via sat an recorded in vhs . Signal is apply to antena external , and reception is near antena from video . Reflexions added is very simple , add a digit to pc board in selector and create a interference big to able possibility play F2 effect . Mixing signals A+B result a best shit 11000km DX .

Old tv with tube have in zone selector a inductance very interesant in manifestation image when add digit to pin RF , image appear with small reflexions . 1 hint nto open faked videos .

Transmitter real 1w / 3w in VHF1 band and VHF3 UHF harmonics .
Other signals send fro reception tv is very power . Possibilty to reception low is very very bad ! In other image exist framework with noise image ! fakdes is very strange .. or fake not possible .
I speech about faking video with a Rami , and in this moment other faked is very interesant , TV not exist or is switch off . man sent info to all dx-ers " to detect faked videos no send information about switch old vhf televisions ! " .

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сообщение 19.1.2010, 21:49
Сообщение #236

Moderator sectia Terestrial Ro

Группа: Продвинутые пользователи
Сообщений: 1338
Регистрация: 25.6.2008
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trt pe vrmea 1980

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сообщение 19.1.2010, 23:53
Сообщение #237

Moderator sectia Terestrial Ro

Группа: Продвинутые пользователи
Сообщений: 1338
Регистрация: 25.6.2008
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Germany dx :


Aktuell immer noch RTR auf R1. Fadet allerdings stark.

Den Casio hat RTR Rossja immerhin zum Rauschen gebracht.

Hier geht es seit 21:42 ebenfalls weiter auf R1 mit Werbung und einem Bericht mit jungen Leuten - kann eider noch kein Logo erkennen !



21:36 R1 TK Rossija => "BECTN" ("WESTI") nx, S=3

Belarus 1


Hier das 1BT,Belarus Video , empfangen 16:10 MEZ auf R1

Ja war schon toll. Aber der Empfang von TV-CENTR hat mich noch mehr gefreut, denn der Sender ist auf R1 nur mit 100W gelistet

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сообщение 20.1.2010, 5:28
Сообщение #238

Moderator sectia Terestrial Ro

Группа: Продвинутые пользователи
Сообщений: 1338
Регистрация: 25.6.2008
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SWX - G1 minor storm 02:02 UT

R1 = Minor - M1 Class Flare

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сообщение 20.1.2010, 13:45
Сообщение #239

Moderator sectia Terestrial Ro

Группа: Продвинутые пользователи
Сообщений: 1338
Регистрация: 25.6.2008
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Yesterday's M2-class solar flare bathed Earth's upper atmosphere in X-rays and caused a wave of ionization to sweep over Europe. This actually improved the propagation of low-frequency radio signals, which use the ionosphere as a reflector to skip over the horizon. A SID monitor operated by Rudolf Slosiar in Bojnice, Slovakia, recorded the surge in signal strength:

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сообщение 20.1.2010, 16:38
Сообщение #240

Moderator sectia Terestrial Ro

Группа: Продвинутые пользователи
Сообщений: 1338
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This flare was compact but very intense. Most flares occur in the "solar atmosphere" above the visible surface of the Sun and have little impact on the visible surface. However, some particularly intense flares, known as "white light flares", are seen on the visible surface. The 1991 November 15 flare was such an event. In the movie, the upper panel shows the flare in X-rays and the lower panel shows the flare in white light. If you look closely you can see the flare in the lower panel, indicating that this was a very energetic white light flare.


This flare occurred on the limb of the sun allowing us to see it as a side view. The loop-shaped structure of the flare results from the magnetic field in which the flare occurs. In the movie the upper panel shows the the SXT white light data and the lower panel shows the X-ray data. The flare is not seen in the white light data in this case.


The 1992 July 11 was a fairly typical small flare. It had a simple one-loop geometry. In the movie the upper panel shows the SXT white light data and the lower panel shows the X-ray data. The flare is not seen in the white light data in this case.


This example shows a ``large-scale eruptive event''. An enormous volume of the solar atmosphere took part in this dramatic eruption; a region of the Sun spanning 150 degrees of longitude and 40 degrees of latitude was heated to temperatures in excess of 2-3 million degrees Celsius in a little over 17 hours. The subsequent disruption of the solar atmosphere resulted in a cloud of solar material weighing 1 billion tons moving towards the Earth at a speed of over 1 million miles per hour. Indeed, this event, first observed at the Sun on 14 April 1994, resulted in a strong geomagnetic storm at the Earth some 68 hours later.
At present, there is a heated debate between solar physicists about whether these ``large-scale eruptive events'' can be truly classified as solar flares or not. Despite the obvious differences in spatial scale, events like that of April 14 1994 exhibit many similarities to the more compact flares highlighted on this page. The typical energies involved in these events are comparable to those in flares, the dynamical development is similar and the eruption in both cases is accompanied by a re-organization of the magnetic field in the solar corona.


The movie shows a small flare, that nonetheless resulted in the restructuring and expansion of the X-ray loops seen in the Sun's corona. There are a couple of gaps in the movie when Yohkoh's view of the Sun was blocked by the Earth. The single frame in the movie shows the X-rays observed by Yohkoh.

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