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> Hobby reception DX FM and TV
сообщение 25.6.2008, 22:57
Сообщение #1

Moderator sectia Terestrial Ro

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sunt un mare admirator al acestor receptii ! Vreau sa ma ajutati si pe mine prin postarea de semnale ce se receptionaea sporadic , sa va ajut sa aprem si noi romanii si voi moldovenii la listele oficiale @skywaves si fm altervista cu tarile noastre .
va trebuie urmatoarele pentru cei ce fac receptie :
radio cu rds , o antena daca se poate externa sau pe balcon , televizor ce raspunde bine la selector in canalele E2- E4 , R1 - R4 , multumesc

Posted after 1 hour 59 minutes 40 seconds:

Ciao a tutti,
ora и sparita l'Ucraina e arriva bene la Moldavia, per esempio su 67.58
Antena C,Straseni (Strasheny) (ST)

Sporadicul din aceasta noapte !!!

this mesaje receive at 22:43 ..
in romania the frist opening sporadic in this night start at 22:32 with a unid france signal in 87.8mhz ! :clap:


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сообщение 24.11.2010, 23:23
Сообщение #481

Moderator sectia Terestrial Ro

Группа: Продвинутые пользователи
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IRIB 2 VISIBLE reception via TV and dscaler .. no coment !!! have picture and movies for understand .
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOwTyHVvih0 first capture
http://www.youtube.com/user/zvartoshu?feat...u/0/Nr4O-SF8hJ0 second , picture and test via internet IRIB site .

NATURE have now anomalies , ionisation created by lighting strikes or sun ejections low .
in radar lightinstrikes detect after black sea thunderstorm .

welcome , this is new rules in receptions tv and radio .. !!!
number for anomalies :
1 - ertu reception in morning and afternoon via tropo , under ozone layer , D layer only multihop sure
2 - LJBC with test heterodine tone 1khz via tropo mode
3 - TRT-FM erzurum - live program , test anti faking , reception simoultanous with ZONGULDAK ...
4 - R5 channel GEORGIAN tv near black sea , and morning reception in bucharest

RECEPTIONS over 1200KM .. ! this is an american equivalent condition ducting tropo in europe sure.


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сообщение 28.11.2010, 19:21
Сообщение #482

Moderator sectia Terestrial Ro

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Регистрация: 25.6.2008
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Hi dxers . in this afternoon start at 15:00 a fenomen troposferic in direction NE romania , to south moldova , and ukraine . This fenomen add 200km signals with rds at 48dB signal to noise ratio , and odessa at 21 to 27dB signal to noise ratio . This reception is detect in H mode polarization . In v not detect signals . In moment to increase to 27dB signal carrier VIDEO 93,25Mhz R5 channel odessa start variations with STILNOE sevastopol .
Need a explain , romania have alert for earthquake medium to major . Need explains about preseismic fenomens tropo or sporadic or something .
Preseismic waves what problem add in reception TV dx in UHF , refflexions ? , local propagation increased to local level , or reception tv station for mountain with earthkuakes , VRANCEA - Magura Odobesti scatter power?
Know anomalies ? Please explain but need a big attention for this fenomens in this period .

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сообщение 29.11.2010, 13:07
Сообщение #483

Moderator sectia Terestrial Ro

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Stirile si ce a spus directorul institutului de fizica pamantului arata ca in romania este posibil ca in vrancea sa se produca un sesim de la mediu , 5,4grade spre major adica 6,8 grade .
Fizica pamantului anunta " In perioada urmatoare este posibil ca in vrancea sa se produca seisme de peste 6 grade care se vor resimti spre ucraina rusia si de adancime mare , pericolul nu va fi mare si nu va pati nimeni nimic ".
Care ati prins live cutremur in fata radioului si televizorului , spuneti cum se manifesta receptia in ambele aparate si daca semnalul varia .


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сообщение 11.12.2010, 16:37
Сообщение #484

Moderator sectia Terestrial Ro

Группа: Продвинутые пользователи
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Poate nu o sa vina sa credeti dar , imediat dupa o alerta de sporadic data de europeni , eu m-am trezit cu el pe radio exact la ora care a fost , adica 5 dimineata .
Am filmare cu 90fm , un radio ce venea foarte coerent a sporadic , pe langa el a fost si 93,2mhz , tot sporaddic care eu il confundam cu tropo , in rest propagarile de dimineata gen ertu , tgrt erau acolo , sau tipica bataie gen TGRT cu piesa de teatru sau muzica turca cu ERTU de la egipt .
Iata sistemul de alertare :

si iata materialul filmat :
derulati la minut 7 secunda 50 si urmariti fenomenul .

Hi all dxers , in this morning sporadic-e open in central europe and in romania detect signal sporadic in 90mhz and 93,2mhz . I am a capture and need jump to minute 7 and second 50 to wiev this fenomen . in capture have recorded turk reception via troposcatter , good period for morning at start winter and could temperatures
-2°C to -4°C . Troposcatter appear with turk and ertu with quran , and sporadic wia central europe . SUPER !!!

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сообщение 14.12.2010, 6:57
Сообщение #485

Moderator sectia Terestrial Ro

Группа: Продвинутые пользователи
Сообщений: 1338
Регистрация: 25.6.2008
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intre ora 4 si 45 ora romaniei sau ora 02:45 universala , meteoric show geminid a luat o amploare fiind pe apogeeu sau maxim peak level , numarul maxim de meteori cazuti pe o ora .
In bucuresti pe frecventa de 93.1Mhz sau auzit 71 de ping-uri meteorice ceva ce se poate numi , o receptie corecta .
Deci calculam sumar , apogeul are cu aproximatie peste 160 meteori cazuti pe o ora , cu varf de aprox 200 in medie , poate depasi numarul adica , iar receptia mea indica 71 deci cu 89 mai putin fata de calculul celor 160meteori / 1 ora calculati pentru a ioniza frecvente mai mici de 70MHz oferind asadar in benzile destinate radioamatorilor cat mai multe ping-uri meteorice si chiar qso .

Iata apogeul waveform

iata si forma waveform

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сообщение 14.12.2010, 17:31
Сообщение #486

Moderator sectia Terestrial Ro

Группа: Продвинутые пользователи
Сообщений: 1338
Регистрация: 25.6.2008
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Geminid meteor shower detect in south romania city bucharest in 3 freq 88,3 / 93.1 / 101.6 mhz . At start this small ionisation after enter meteors in atmosfere add maxim 22 pings . When start maxim peak lvele of number pings meteoric received 71 pings . Fenomen close in intensity with 42 pings in 30 minutes and after maxim peak level , 25 minutes meteor appear rare in openings radio reception .
Captures :
http://www.youtube.com/user/zvartoshu#p/u/4/ZFHe3cGOo2A hour 21 to 22
http://www.youtube.com/user/zvartoshu#p/u/3/0uEQUC254ro hour 22 to 23
http://www.youtube.com/user/zvartoshu#p/u/2/aEysPelMD5Y hour 2 to 3
http://www.youtube.com/user/zvartoshu#p/u/1/jm1CRqlXBQk hour 4 to 5
http://www.youtube.com/user/zvartoshu#p/u/0/4g-hCSlxI6s hour 5 and 5:30

This capture contain pings in fm band 3M for the geminid meteor shower .
Radio is setup to AGC Fi module to 80%
Antena is directive with 3 elements and 2 reflectors H +V

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сообщение 20.12.2010, 18:18
Сообщение #487

Moderator sectia Terestrial Ro

Группа: Продвинутые пользователи
Сообщений: 1338
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Hi .
In this night start a various power unstable ice tropo in south and central romania . Fenomen detected in northen bulgaria and partially in south . In this zones temperatures in this night down to -14°C and ice tropo reopen when fog ice and ice particle appear in air mass in long distance . Analysed air mass and question people in 3 cityes form the south romania too undertsand equivalence air and fog .

At this ice tropo detect MOLDOVA 262KM radio MICUL SAMARITEAN 107.7Mhz , detect Dobrich radio 88.7Mhz Varna , and surprise , Belogradchik radio HR BOTEV 88.2Mhz, and scatters to TUPIZNICA serbian radio BEOGRAD 202 100.4Mhz . Fenomen detect in long area to 380KM . In this moment sum distance to tropo : 262+380=642KM .
From UHF have materials good :
dx-er marluck 26 element antena and 36dB amplfiier with 2sc3355:

Ch 53 antena 1 slobozia , ch 36 tvr slozia , ch 41 protv campina , tv7 tutrakan , btv petrohan .

Dx-er energy ( 9 element log periodical 400mhz to 950Mhz antena + 36dB amplifier with 2sc3355)

Happi Tv serbian ch50 , zajecar ch69 tupiznica , b92 ch 66 , rts 2 ch 23 - rts1 ch 43 . all signal delijovan.

MY dx : 14 element antena uhf band multicanal , with 36 db amplifier and reglable input


tvr2 baneasa , tvr2 slobozia , tvr2 vacareni , tvr2 pitesti , tvr2 balota , Btv petrohan , tv7 tutrakan , antena 1 slobozia .

Fm band :
88,7 radio varna
106,4 and 96,5 vacareni
107,7 Cahul MDA
partially 105,6 SEVASTOPOL
antena - 3 element with 2 reflextors , and 2 element antena horizontal polarizations .
Variation - 100,4 Beograd 202 .

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сообщение 21.12.2010, 8:41
Сообщение #488

Moderator sectia Terestrial Ro

Группа: Продвинутые пользователи
Сообщений: 1338
Регистрация: 25.6.2008
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hi qualty pure tropo 2 hours in this night after 4AM .
Serbian stations tv reopen in this moneing at medium to maxim level .
B92 station is my first reception in subelevation zone of the city bucharest . This is real response for thsi tropo . Radu dxer detect with partially teletext this station .
Other dxers detect low station Zajecar on ch69 . In first opening dxer maluk send info about NATIONAL TV , low station 50w at 70km and columna tv at distance 116km , 65w , ch53 antena 1 slobozia at 110km with 80w . Other stations from the last night confirm .
In my zone start TUTRAKAN low station 50w and 80w , nova tv and tv7 at 70km , and nova tv kubrat 100w at 106km . Power statons detect : ch 28 tvr2 balota 235km , ch26 tvr2 vacareni 192km, ch 40 tvr2 simnic 197km, ch 46 protv 220km , ch 53 antena 1 slobozia 109km , tvt 2 baneasa 133km , Nova tv belogradchick ch 46 302km . B92 beli jovan - 323km .




Super dx , and no coment for this winter power tropo .

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сообщение 21.12.2010, 19:02
Сообщение #489

Moderator sectia Terestrial Ro

Группа: Продвинутые пользователи
Сообщений: 1338
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Power tropo in december with summer manifest in stability .
In this night at 19:26 start in south romania hi qualty propagation troposferic with 6 hours stable signal , add tv stations low (80-100w) at distance 109km , 70km , 103km and 1 signle detection for the new dxer tv around 120km . Power stations tv start at minim 198km and continous with 300km+ and most popular 210-230Km for the western romania and Bulgaria - Serbia around 300km+ .
My video captures are in this moment contain few capture with maxim tropo peak level in reception :
http://www.youtube.com/user/zvartoshu#p/u/5/dc2YENQaWS8 scatters bulgarian on ch35 UNID
http://www.youtube.com/user/zvartoshu#p/u/4/HCfJCD3HLmY hard mix on ch39 in direction shumen for BTV , signal when mix is Antena 1 simnic
http://www.youtube.com/user/zvartoshu#p/u/3/zdMd1qwBdmw nova tv kubrat .. low station and big distance ..
http://www.youtube.com/user/zvartoshu#p/u/2/5QzwnVTV5XY low station tutrakan zone at 70km
http://www.youtube.com/user/zvartoshu#p/u/1/XXzlpoCNMaY MY first reception SERBIAN on ch66 B92TV in moment when radu energy say in forums .. alert .. LOCAL signal in my zone .. dx at 323km
http://www.youtube.com/user/zvartoshu#p/u/0/UUZ92GW2a_c nova tv belogradchik and protv novaci , mixing , 300km dx and 220km dx , simoultanous 2 traiectory on ch 46 , NW protv and SW nova tv .

Is a no coment propagation in this winter , dxers bulgarian add questions and pictures and say to me .. propagation good summer equivalent at -3°C .

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сообщение 22.12.2010, 9:32
Сообщение #490

Moderator sectia Terestrial Ro

Группа: Продвинутые пользователи
Сообщений: 1338
Регистрация: 25.6.2008
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Emisiunea de radio receptii dx de pe still fm , il are de data aceasta pe Radu Erdelyi invitat , unde se discuta ultimele propagari si fenomenele de propagare pe ceata inghetata si propagare de mare putere fara conditiile normale , se mai discuta despre cele turcesti de noiembrie , comparatiile fata de cele de asta vara .

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