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> Hobby reception DX FM and TV
сообщение 25.6.2008, 22:57
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Moderator sectia Terestrial Ro

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sunt un mare admirator al acestor receptii ! Vreau sa ma ajutati si pe mine prin postarea de semnale ce se receptionaea sporadic , sa va ajut sa aprem si noi romanii si voi moldovenii la listele oficiale @skywaves si fm altervista cu tarile noastre .
va trebuie urmatoarele pentru cei ce fac receptie :
radio cu rds , o antena daca se poate externa sau pe balcon , televizor ce raspunde bine la selector in canalele E2- E4 , R1 - R4 , multumesc

Posted after 1 hour 59 minutes 40 seconds:

Ciao a tutti,
ora и sparita l'Ucraina e arriva bene la Moldavia, per esempio su 67.58
Antena C,Straseni (Strasheny) (ST)

Sporadicul din aceasta noapte !!!

this mesaje receive at 22:43 ..
in romania the frist opening sporadic in this night start at 22:32 with a unid france signal in 87.8mhz ! :clap:


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сообщение 25.7.2009, 10:51
Сообщение #81

Moderator sectia Terestrial Ro

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90.6 zu topolog
107.7 micu samaritean
105.0 rractual tulcea
96.3 rractual slobozia
96.5 trinitas vacareni
90.0 info pro magura
88.7 rractual simnicul de sus
93.3 kiss slobozia
104.4 dance fm braila
105.6 fresh fm slobozia
100.9 europa fm slobozia
94.3 info pro kozia
91.5 radio 21 kozia

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сообщение 25.7.2009, 13:49
Сообщение #82

Moderator sectia Terestrial Ro

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MUF maxim 67Mhz
88.7 - semnal neidentificat arab cu discurs [ nui nici lazal , nici sawt si nici masr]
93.2 - programul 2 polonia dewojka
93.1 - swr2 bw
TV siria tv E3 channel
sistem :
Directiva 3 elementi azimuth 180° /90Mhz
Directiva 3 elementi azimuth 160°/55.25Mhz

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сообщение 25.7.2009, 23:34
Сообщение #83

Moderator sectia Terestrial Ro

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o anomalie iscata din nimic acu noaptea !
NIGHT anomalic MUF

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сообщение 27.7.2009, 16:46
Сообщение #84

Moderator sectia Terestrial Ro

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сообщение 28.7.2009, 19:35
Сообщение #85

Moderator sectia Terestrial Ro

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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9R7sdNdlMY...re=channel_page kazacstan tv part 1
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHnZ4566bAc...re=channel_page part 2

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сообщение 28.7.2009, 22:42
Сообщение #86

Moderator sectia Terestrial Ro

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сообщение 30.7.2009, 0:37
Сообщение #87

Moderator sectia Terestrial Ro

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iata aici comoara omului dxer .. propagarea tropo!

http://www.trilulilu.ro/dxfmromania/8237f685c131dd asa sa manifestat la inceput varna

http://www.trilulilu.ro/dxfmromania/41bd1a5bef862e aici cand a venit calumea biggrin.gif
dobrich-ul inca vine in dupbii... ar da sa .. dar nu poate !
burgasul vine arata ca este ceva slab se calmeaza iar vine .. biggrin.gif

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сообщение 31.7.2009, 5:23
Сообщение #88

Moderator sectia Terestrial Ro

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Kommentare zu "TV-DX: F2 vs. Sonnenflecken-Minimum"
TV-DX: F2 vs. Sonnenflecken-Minimum

von Mathias Volta - am 30.05.2009 15:44

Der rumänische DXer Daniel (Youtube: "zvartoshu") schrieb mich gestern an und schickte mir folgende Bild-Links mit der Frage bzw. Vermutung, ob hier TV-DX aus der Region Asien speziell China via F2 vorläge: http://i87.servimg.com/u/f87/12/17/05/46/p1070210.jpg http://i87.servimg.com/u/f87/12/17/05/46/p1070211.jpg (=> Original-Bild vom 26.05.2009) Daraufhin antwortete ich ihm folgendes und erläutere ihm neben den bekannten Basics zu F2 mit einigen interessanten Links meine Vermutung, daß - wenn überhaupt - hier eher Mulithop-ES vorliegen könnte (der Einfachheit halber Original-Text): Hi Daniel, F2 can be definitively(!!) closed out: 1.) we have absolute sun spot minimum - that close out F2 (F2 is usually possible during high sunspot maximum, which can be expected up from the year 2012. 2.) a picture, which is characteristic of F2, would be much more smeared due to running differences in atmosphere. 3.) F2 usually appears in autumn & winter on ch E2 or R1, A2, C1, etc... Highest possible MUF below 60 MHz. Lowest chinese VHF-I channel frequency mainly used by CCTV and other stations there: ch C1 - video: 49,75 MHz / audio: 56,25 MHz Multihop-sporadic-e? Maybe... But I cannot believe that because it was a quiet day today - personally haven't had sporadic-e today. Other possibility: You did receive news from one of your ordinary TV-channels, you often get via sporadic-e: In these news they informed about China or so and used original material from CCTV. This is often the case, when information about China are shown in German news and the original material by CCTV often displays chinese letters. Maybe you should request a professional TV-DXer in skywaves. Usefull information: http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Lot/2941/f2/f2.htm http://www.lyngsat-logo.com/logo/tv/aa/armenia1.jpg http://www.lyngsat-logo.com/tvcountry/tvcountry.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F2_propagation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TV_DX http://dxinfocentre.com/f2/yvva/YVVA.html http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseact...logId=357155900 Greetings, Matze Daniel kontaktierte auch einen anderen DXer, mit dem ich wiederum nicht in Kontakt stehe, leitete diesem meine PM weiter und bekam folgende interessante Antwort: Hmmm, Mathias says an interesting and real thing until one point. We all know that F2 is ABSOLUTELY impossible in low solar flux year. But... seems that something is absolutely strange in the solar activity in this days. I'm watching at the solar flux of 68, which is in the deep hole of minimum possible. But the bands are working very strange, specially the higher part of shortwaves. My experience since 1996 (another deep hole of solar activity)says that, in the minimum activity years, in 27MHz, any long distance propagation (outside Europe) received in east Europe, Romanian area, is transecuatorial. Mourning is only west Australia, during the day Reunion and South Africa, and in the evening only the east coast of South America, from the extrem south to, not more than, Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo. And very weak signals so you need beam or vertical 5/8 wave antenna and around 300-400W to work them in SSB. When propagation is better (like it was, for example, from February 1998 to something like 2004) for example the South American area availlable to work from Romania is extending to the north, the openings with French Guyana become something normal, than comes Trinidad & Tobago, than, when the sun is enough active (remember April-Mai 1998) you can catch the East Coast of States. And the signals are stronger and stronger... That's the rule in CB. So... what is strange for me is that, few days ago, in CB we had a strong (and, believe it... STRONG) opening with Trinidad and Tobago. And this in a moment when solarcycle24.com reported no more than 72 the solar flux. What the hell is this kind of propagation, or... what's happening with the sun? So... in this moment, I can't say that F2 is totally impossible in 50MHz. We need to stay tuned in tha HAM radio band to see what's coming there Another strange thing for me was in 26 May 2009, in that "DX day". We all know that zvartoshu has an antenna which is working good for TV DX. And youtube is full of his movies. But... when I receive simultanously, 2 locations from Russia 1, via e-skip, with ONLY two VHF3 dipoles, something is strange. So, in that evening (I didn't want to make waves but zvartoshu knows), around... 23 local time (20 UTC)when the opening was really strong, I've got two locations (in 49.25, maybe R1 and in 59.25, which I think is R2) from the very known russian translucent "1" hanging in the upper right corner of the screen. Sometimes with clear signal and, one of those (I don't remember if R1 or R2) with russian sound smile.gif . And also in E channels some very low mixing signals (if they didn't become clear I didn't talk about them, considering extremely low level signals as not important). And all these with the "antenna" (the two VHF3 dipoles) beaming somewhere around 45-60 degrees from my position (the border between KN34AJ and KN34AK, south-west Bucharest). So... what's up with this strange propagation? I don't want to make offtopic here to say that tropo in the last 5 nights was lower than it was in the frozen nights of winter. I say now only about the strange e-skip openings. So, there, in this moment I'm not able to say any kind of prediction about what is possible and what not. I don't exclude anything smile.gif 73's from Radu - YO3GUP Jetzt meine Fragen an euch: - Wäre F2 im bezüglich auf die in meiner Mail oben erwähnten und generell bekannten Basics zu F2 wirklich vollkommen ausgeschlossen, wie ich schon vermute, Radu (YO3GUP) jedoch nicht ganz, oder - liegt doch eher Multihop-ES vor, was ich mir schon eher vorstellen kann auch im Hinblick auf die oben verlinkten Screenshots, die meiner Meinung nach auch nicht die wirklich F2-typischen Empfangscharacteristica wie durch Laufzeit-Differenzen verursachte "Geisterbilder" zeigen? - ...oder doch vielleicht nur eine ganz gewöhnliche via ES empfangene Nachrichten-Sendung, die einen Original-Beitrag von CCTV o.ä. zeigt? Leider kann ich auf den oben verlinken Bildern außer den vermutlich chinesischen Schriftzeichen keine Logos oder anderen Anhaltspunkte erkennen.


long-haul FM DX
Sunday, July 26 2009

¡ Hóla queridos parceors, panas y patas !

Due to the lack of any sporadic E openings lately (and the huge amount of them back in late June when I used to woke around 1PM when the Es was winding down), I decided to take a look over youtube and see what the Romanian DXer Zvartoshu has received...

I came upon this video and I almost believe its a fake: Colombian station heard on 88.7 Mhz in ROMANIA via double-hop F2 skip - it must be a fake... The F2 has not even reached the old Eastern bloc OIRT-FM band at 65-75 MHz, so how can it reach 88.7 MHz ?

Check out this video... is there some TEP scatter or some TEP linking to double-hop Es, I mean Colombia to Brasil, then Brazil to northern Africa, then Es to Romania, but it sounds splendid ! I tried to meet this guy when I was in Romania, but he didn't seemed very interested in meeting another DXer...

Anyway, here is the video to watch out ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuVbgDZ5F68&NR=1

Cada uno dentre nosotros sabe que la propagación en la FM tiene un más pequeño alcanzo que sobre onda larga, media o corta... Con la falta de abiertura E esporadicas durante la última semana y mi pasión tan grande para el DXismo, he tratado de mirar videos sobre YouTube... No puedes adivinar como me siento cuando miro que un DXista venezolano ha logrado una emisora COLOMBIANA en la FM en Rumania con una video sobre YouTube para probar... Pienso que Rumania es mejor que Canada para el DXismo FM, pero de todos modos, la propagación este-oeste desde Colombia hacia Rumania en la FM me parece imposible... o tal vez una mezcla de TEP y de Es pero aún eso me parece muy lindo... El peor es que los DXistas que han escrito comentarios sobre ese video no han parecido tan sorprendidos... Todo eso me parece un sueño fuera del cual tengo que despertarme... pero si me gustaría lograr una emisora FM de la costa norte de America del Sur, ¡claro!

Puedes disfrutar ese video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuVbgDZ5F68&NR=1 es malicioso ha puso sú computador frente al WiFi a cerca de sú camera web y, luego, ha abierto sú tuner FM sobre una frecuencia vacía...no... ¡que cobardía! He tratado de encontrar a ese DXista extraño durante mi último viaje sin exito...sería interesante de hacer DXismo consigo - es el mejor DXista TV-FM que nunca he conocido...

También, alguien en Irlanada a logrado a escuchar algo desde Alabama en la FM, pero eso es un poquitito más cercano... Espero que Mike Bugaj va a conseguir ese video sobre ABDX o WTFDA...

¡ Hasta pronto - me siento engañado por ese video tan malicioso !
Bogdan Chiochiu en Canadá

bun sa facem recapitulare

Cand e amestec de nori si incepe scattering apar ciudatenii , mai ales cobadinul fluctuand de la tare spre incet urmat de tvr 1 de la baneasa de la slab spre mediu si chiar in shuturi .
Bun , spre 9 seraa am dat un teste UIF si tot vedeam eu un R mare pe dreapta , ma gandeeam in 50 ce R poate sa fie . Antena este pe sud est de bucuresti , deci exlcudeam simnicul si cand ma uit mai bine in blank zic .. au asta e aia buna ... in fine .
Bag directiva de 8 elemente pe whf 3 si dau de asta : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXq0uUOEh8E...re=channel_page .. ma tot gandesc cum de a venit asa .. macar atat de lesinat , oricum ea super banda la search .. BNT , RTS BNT , 9 - 10 - 11 .
Bun in dimineata asta vedeam de la 1 noaptea ca tot se cotzaie 28 cu ceva , nu bagam de seama .. eh acu la 4 a erupt o ditamai pleasca de tropo atat pe fm si pe radio cu dobrich .. h,mm .. ceva de genul : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXCL_-eBKl8...re=channel_page .. ceva ceva scot si eu ..
oricum baza ramane asta nene pe tv dx pe anul asta : http://i87.servimg.com/u/f87/12/17/05/46/p1070210.jpg http://i87.servimg.com/u/f87/12/17/05/46/p1070211.jpg mai ales ...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9R7sdNdlMY...re=channel_page si asta ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHnZ4566bAc...re=channel_page

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сообщение 1.8.2009, 0:20
Сообщение #89

Moderator sectia Terestrial Ro

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asa patesc astia cand uita sa bage un program corect .. baga satelit si cu el ramane pe terestru biggrin.gif

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сообщение 1.8.2009, 16:31
Сообщение #90

Moderator sectia Terestrial Ro

Группа: Продвинутые пользователи
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inca se mai analizeaza dx-ul monstru cu venezuela luat din romania cu programul la mega .. orcum pana acu sau adunat vro doua bucatele , una e cu shina si asta cu venezuela , aia cu gabonul nu dam de secunda unde a tacut quranul sa venedem rds-ul de unde a luato pe radio ...

iata diagnoza
look at this :

* On [[July 1]], [[2009]] Romanian dx-er Daniel received and recorded duble hop F2 program LA MEGA with a programme called Zona Escolar FM.Distence in this reception 10178km http://www.zshare.net/audio/63473336aa0723a6/


88.7 July 1, 2009
88.7 July 1, 2009
Hello, I haven´t opened your homepage, but I have been investigating your audio clip from July 1.
To me, this is Venezuela.
I have posted the following to be posted on several internet sights.
All the best,
Henrik Klemetz email: hklemetz@yahoo.se

Venezuela seems to have been heard on FM in Romania

I have been doing some further research, finding sufficient evidence to show that the clip recorded in Romania on July 1, 2009 was aired by a Venezuelan FM network.

If you type http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circuito_Uni&...nes_a_Viernes_2
you will find that the Unión Radio network runs a sub-network called La Mega where there is a regular feature run by Alejandro León (mentioned in my previous mail), Mo-Fri at 2-4 pm, which is called Zona Escolar FM.

It is this programme that the FM DXer in Romania has picked up.

The two school girls invited as locutoras whose names were given in my previous mail, are probably shown on the first picture with the programme host Alejandro mi papito León, at
http://zonaescolar.net/verFotos.php?1631,Fm.html (Clicking on the picture a host of new pictures can be seen). In the report showing what was done on July 1, which can also be found at http://zonaescolar.net/verFotos.php?1631,Fm.html it says, Miércoles 01 de julio
Hoy nos acompañaron como locutoras invitadas Paola Barreto y Maria Alejandra Morales ambas estudiantes de 8º grado del Colegio Santa Gema.

On the Mega home page, where Alejandro León is shown, it is said that the Mega transmitter in Puerto Ordaz, 88.9 (why not 88.7??), probably will have to stop relaying the Zona Escolar FM programme if president Chávez´s new and restrictive media law takes effect. See: http://www.lamegaestacion.com/index.aspx#&...mp;NewsId=19186

Henrik Klemetz, Sweden

If you hear anything strange in SPANISH you may tell me, I don´t open Youtube very often.
I tell you that I have asked Venezuelan DXers regarding this station and what I got was "yes, Productor Nacional Independiente is something in this country".
All the best,

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